Interpreter Pay Schedule

We are moving to a 2 week pay period and to address the transitional period we have put together the following calendars to better help you visualize how this transition will take place.

Beginning January 2024, our payment schedule will be updating to a bi-monthly schedule. Work completed for the 1st-15th will be payable on the 20th of each month and the 16th-30th/31st payable on the 5th of the following month.

This will cut out the current 2.5 week hold on work, so essentially you will be paid in a more timely manner for the work but rather than weekly payments, there will be 2 payments per month. You can reference the link above for a calendar representation of how the payments will work and what to expect during the transition December 2023 into January 2024. We appreciate your patience during this transition!




Current Schedule through Jan 2024

Arizona Freelance Interpreting pays all contractual interpreters on the same cycle. Below you can see how the cycle works from our end. If you ever feel that we have missed a payment please contact us ASAP so we can correct the error in a timely fashion.

The cycle includes work that is completed in a Sunday – Saturday week as outlined in blue on the example below. This does account for all jobs that have been properly “closed” on the online software only. If you are having trouble closing jobs, you must contact our office to make sure all work will paid on time.

Once the work week has been reconciled on our side, there is a two week hold as you can see outlined on Tuesday the 9th in the below example.

Payment will be processed on the Tuesday after this 2 week period has ended (Tuesday 23rd in example). If you receive direct deposit payments, your payment will show on your bank statement the next morning at 12:01 AM. If you have opted to receive paper check payments, you should receive your check in the mail by the following Friday (the 26th in the example below).

AZFLIS does pay weekly, so as long as you complete at least one assignment in each working week, you will receive payment on a weekly basis after the first initial hold period has ended.

Pay Cycle Example
