Arizona Freelance Interpreting Services

AZFLIS Rate & Policy Sheet

To whom it may concern, you will find AZFLIS rates and policies listed below for your records. Please review, sign and return to our staff at your earliest convenience to get your account activated in our scheduling software. We look forward to the opportunity for our company to provide you with a remarkable interpreting experience.

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AZFLIS Policy Agreements

Cancellation Policy: Two business day cancellation without charge. Less than 2 business days (48 business hrs.) cancellation, payment is for the full scheduled time (and travel time if applicable) during the first 48 Hrs. only.


Request Policy: Requests made within 5 business days advanced notice will receive top priority. Requests made with less than 5 business days will be filled as the availability of Interpreters permit.


Travel Policy: Travel charges will be billed at the hourly rate determined by the assignment type and actual travel time. Travel time will be charged for any assignment that is 50 miles or more one way from the Interpreters starting location.


Teaming Policy: Any job that last 1 hour or longer may require 2 interpreters, decided by the discretion of the Agency.


Billing Policy: All billing will be handled monthly by the 15th of the following month by invoice. Requesting entities are directly responsible for payment, not 3rd party insurance providers or the deaf consumer.


Recording Rights: Any recorded assignment will be subject to additional fees and additional legal paperwork to be signed prior to the assignment by customer and interpreter.

No usage rights will be given for any recorded assignment without prior authorization. Interpreter will not be required to provide services on site if authorization has not been received by the agency prior to assignment.


Hospital Emergencies: Round trip travel will be charged for all hospital emergencies.


Authorized Requesters: It is up to the customer to assure that only authorized requesters contact AZFLIS to schedule services.


AZFLIS (Face to Face) Rate Agreements

Standard ASL Rate $85/ Hr.  (2-hour min.) between 7 am and 5 pm. 

Tri-Lingual (ASL/English/Spanish) $130/ Hr. (2-hour min.) between 7 am and 5 pm.

Legal ASL Rate $115/Hr. (2-hour min) for any assignment that requires legally licensed interpreters between 7 am and 5 pm.

Recording Rate If Interpreters will be recorded on site or on video, there will be a fee assessed to cover the recording fee of the interpreter.

  • Face to Face : $110/hr (Differentials Apply)
  • Video Remote : $165/hr (Inclusive rate - differentials do not apply)

Real-Time Captioning (CART) Services Laptop Display $130/hr. (2hr min) between 7 am and 5 pm.

*CART -  $10.00/hr. additional and additional fees may apply for projection.

Differentials (stackable, more than 1 may apply):

Weekends + $5/hr. (Sat. 12.00am-Sun 11.59pm)

Late Request + $10/hr. (requests made within 48 hours or less)

Rush Requests + $15/hr. (any assignment where an Interpreter is provided within 2 hours of request.

Federal Holidays + $5/hr.

After Hours +$5/hr. (jobs that take place between 5pm-7am)

Live Performances +10/hr. (Concert, plays, etc. plus preparation time for Interpreter.)

  • For Elementary Performances, 1 hour of preparation will be billed.
  • All other performances lasting up to 3 hours: Length of Performance x 2 for preparation will be billed.
  • Performances over 3 hours in length, preparation time will be evaluated individually.



Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)

$2.50/min (30-minute min.) This is a flat rate service fee, differentials above do not apply.

 *If Customer is providing video platform solution, links should be provided at the time of request.
AZFLIS is not responsible for technical issues arising from platform or link failure at the time of assignment.
Cancellation policy will apply.

Payment due upon receipt of invoice. Late payments may be subject to additional service fees.


Billing Address




Signatures below signify agreeance & acknowledgement of all AZFLIS policy & rate information provided above.

This agreement will remain in effect until cancelled by either party. AZFLIS agrees to not change pricing or policy without previous notification.

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Signed by Joni Horn
Signed On: September 20, 2024

Signature Certificate
Document name: AZFLIS Rate & Policy Sheet
lock iconUnique Document ID: 4c50b843d2fa07e74699af39abd307605ad2bd6d
Timestamp Audit
September 14, 2021 1:23 pm MSTAZFLIS Rate & Policy Sheet Uploaded by Joni Horn - IP